The phase typically starts at retirement when an individual starts converting savings and investments into income needed to support their lifestyle. 

Start QuoteThe question isn't at what age I want to retire, it's at what income.End Quote

 - George Foreman

Benefits of our advanced estate planning services

  • Estate Planning

    Access to our Fiduciary & Tax teams to discuss possible solutions to complex estate concerns and a review of existing documents including, Wills, Rev Trusts, POA, Medical Directive, Healthcare Proxy, Guardianship, and titling of assets.

  • Gifting Strategies

    High level discussion around Gifting Strategies and the use of different types of trusts to accomplish specific estate/tax goals including GST Tax concerns

  • Tax Strategies

    Planning for current Lifetime Exemption Amounts and possible results after TCJA sunsets in 2026

Common Questions & Answers:

How should I be invested now that I’m retired? 

Monte Carlo Simulations are used to address the “uncertainty” in financial markets and economic conditions.  It utilizes a probabilistic model that can provide a range of possible outcomes based on specific goals.  This can help inform decisions around investment strategy. 

    • How do I minimize taxes in retirement?
    • When should I take Social Security benefits? 
    • When do I need to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMD’s)?

An analysis of retirement income streams for diversification and tax impact.  The Financial Planning Group will evaluate income from various sources to determine an optimal mix.  Along with your Portfolio Manager, we’ll have a thoughtful discussion around tax loss harvesting and possible trading strategies.  

Do I need insurance? 

We’ll discuss current and future insurance needs, and the various types of insurance policies that might be appropriate.  

What should I do with company stock? 

We’ll evaluate risk characteristics of company stock, including concentrated position to determine the best path forward.  This may include a high-level discussion on legal, health and financial risks.

Does my Estate Plan need updating? 

Advanced Estate Planning - As a full-service Wealth Management client, you will be provided access to our Fiduciary & Tax teams to discuss possible solutions to complex estate concerns.  The Financial Planning Group works closely with our in-house Fiduciary & Tax Teams to review documents, discuss strategy, and coordinate with your attorney.

***Please note – Financial Planning services are only available to full-service Wealth Management clients***

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Have a question or need more information about Financial Planning? We’re here to help.

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